About Us - Honcho

Welcome to Honcho, an exciting new men's skincare brand in the heart of Dubai.

Founded by 2 British ex-pats, who have seen a gap in the market for a mens product that cares, we're more than just a skincare brand; we're a testament to our commitment to the modern man's health and wellbeing.

Our Journey Begins: A time for change

Honcho was born out of a shared passion and a realisation – that the modern man deserves products and support that cater specifically to his unique needs. In the ever-sunny and vibrant city of Dubai, we noticed a significant gap in the market. Men here face challenges related to extreme heat, thick atmosphere and harsh sun rays. Beyond the skin care, issues regarding mental health and testicular health are not often highlighted as much as they should.

We were continuously frustrated with and the lack of products and initiatives that truly address these concerns.

We believe that creating a product and community to conquer these matters was the right path to take. 

Driven by a desire to make a difference, our Head Honchos have set out on a journey to create a brand that will redefine the grooming and wellness landscape for men in Dubai and beyond. Our vision is simple, yet profound – to offer skincare solutions that not only protected and nourish the skin but also promoted overall wellbeing.

Skincare Tailored for the Modern Man

In Dubai's scorching heat and relentless sun, taking care of your skin is not just a luxury; it's a necessity. Honcho's premium skincare products are meticulously crafted to combat the effects of sun exposure, keeping your skin healthy, hydrated, and shielded against the harsh rays. Our products are specially designed to address the unique challenges that the modern Dubai man faces daily.

Caring for Mind and Body

We won't stop at skincare. Honcho believes in a holistic approach to men's wellbeing. We are deeply committed to two important causes – men's mental health awareness and testicular health. These are often topics that are overlooked or not discussed openly, but they are vital to men's overall health and happiness.

We will actively engage with these causes, providing resources, supporting initiatives, and encouraging open conversations. We believe that by addressing mental health and testicular health, we can empower men to take charge of their lives and live their best, healthiest selves.

Join the Honcho Community

At Honcho, we are more than a skincare brand; we are a community of like-minded individuals who understand the importance of wellbeing, confidence, and self-care. We invite you to be a part of our journey, whether it's by using our premium products, engaging with our initiatives, or simply being a part of our community.

Thank you for choosing Honcho as your partner in men's wellbeing. Together, we're redefining what it means to be a modern man, thriving in the vibrant city of Dubai and beyond.

Join us on this exciting adventure towards a healthier, happier you.

Welcome to the Honcho family.